About Me

Former apprentice at Nashville Software School and current software developer. After receiving my first computer at age 10, and becoming bored with playing Sim City, my hobby of tinkering with computers officially began. Pursuing a career in software development has allowed me to transform this hobby into a passion. I am an IoT enthusiast who is exploring the uses of Raspberry PIs to accomplish automation, surveillance, and any other awesome application. Interested in solving problems, serving humanity, and everything Javascript.


Score Keeper

Mobile Ionic app created to keep score of ping pong games. Stored data using firebase as a back end. Implemented use of an LCD screen connected to a raspberry pi to show current scores of a ping pong game in real time

Home Watcher Remake

Recently recreated. Web application created to maintain surveillance of a location using a Raspberry Pi camera module. The Raspberry Pi camera is triggered using a motion sensor and the picture is sent to Amazon Web Services for storage. A client can log in and see the pictures and what time the motion was recorded.

Tick Slack Toe

Slack bot created with fellow classmate Jared Fuller to allow slack users to play games of tic tac toe using commands entered in general chat. Made use of 'slackbots' NodeJS module located on NPM.

Jurassic Park Zoo

Full stack web application created to keep track of zoo personnel and dinosaurs. Recently remade with newer technologies.


Below are links to my Github, LinkedIn, and Email. Lets work together or talk about our current or future projects!